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A'Campo LEI. Caregiver education in Parkinson's disease: formative evaluation of a standardized program in seven European countries Quality of Life Research: 19 1, 2 Aakre KM. Diagnosing microalbuminuria and consequences for the drug treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes: A European survey in primary care Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice: 89 2, 3 Aaltonen SE.

Barriers to medication counselling for people with mental health disorders: a six country study Pharmacy Practice: 8 2, 4 Aarts C. Enabling nursing students to focus on the Ottawa Charter and the nurses role in tackling inequalities in health through international exchange Nurse Education Today: 30 5, 5 Abram K.

Serotonin transporter gene promoter polymorphism affects the severity of binge eating in general population Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry: 34 1, 9 Allebrandt KV. Variance determines self-observer agreement on the Big Five personality traits Journal of Research in Personality: 44 4, 12 Altmäe S. Endometrial gene expression analysis at the time of embryo implantation in women with unexplained infertility Molecular Human Reproduction: 16 3, 13 Altmäe S.

Variations in folate pathway genes are associated with unexplained female infertility Fertility and Sterility: 94 1, 14 Altraja S.

Proteome changes of human bronchial epithelial cells in response to pro-inflammatory mediator leukotriene E-4 and pro-remodelling factor TGF-beta 1 Journal of Proteomics: 73 6, 15 Alttoa A. Differential gene expression in a rat model of depression based on persistent differences in exploratory activity European Neuropsychopharmacology: 20 5, 16 Amadeo B. European Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption ESAC point prevalence survey paediatric antimicrobial prescribing in 32 hospitals of 21 European countries Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: 65 10, 17 Anier K.

Development of standardized methods for analysis of changes in antibacterial use in hospitals from 18 European Wit d liigeste valudega the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption ESAC longitudinal survey, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: 65 12, 19 Anttila A. Barriers in cervical cancer screening programs in new Wit d liigeste valudega Union member states Tumori: 96 4, 20 Aonurm-Helm A. Cell proliferation and apoptosis in Wistar rat kidney after renal mass ablation and low-dose irradiation Medicina Lithuania : 46 3, 23 Avi R.

Epidemiology Iratsinoosi ja liigesevalu post-traumatic limb amputation: a National Trauma Databank analysis American Surgeon: 76 11, Wit d liigeste valudega Baydur A. Thoracic gunshot wounds: alterations to pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength Journal of Trauma Injury Infection and Critical Care: 69 4, 29 Bell JS. The epidemiology of dog attacks in an urban environment and the risk of vascular injury American Surgeon: 76 2, 31 Blöndal M.

Comparison of risk factors for the onset and maintenance of depression British Journal of Psychiatry: 1, 34 Bragina O. Sonic Hedgehog pathway activity in prostate cancer Oncology Letters: 1 2, 35 Bragina O. Smoothened agonist augments proliferation and survival of neural cells Neuroscience Letters: 2, 36 Wit d liigeste valudega BC. Sex-related differences in childhood and adolescent self-inflicted injuries: a National Trauma Databank review Journal of Pediatric Surgery: 45 4, 37 Braschinsky M.