Andrienko ravi Justov

Bifunctional inhibitors of protein kinases for intracellular applications. Ilmunud on need intervjuud Horisondi veergudel. Aga on ka üks oluline erinevus Küberneetika Instituut on ise samuti muutunud magnetiks, aastal oli ametliku statistika kohaselt meil tööl inimesi 14lt maalt. Uut liiki kooperatiivsused spinnruumis on viinud spintroonika ülikiire arenguni ja Bose-Einsteini kondensaatide kui aine uue vormi leidmiseni.

Braun, Scott A. One hypothesis suggests that the surface circulation forms from a "top-down" approach in which a storm s rotating circulation begins at middle levels of the atmosphere and builds down to the surface through processes related to light "stratiform" horizontally extensive precipitation.

Vaatused: Väljavõte 1 Eesti teaduse tippkeskused oma 5. Teadus ja tehnika on tänapäeval globaalsed ning arenevad aina kiiremini, kusjuures arengumootoriks on mitte ainult osavad rakendused, vaid eelkõige uued teadmised ja läbimurded alusuuringutes. Iga edusamm sellel alal leiab alati oma rakendused igapäevases elus ja just seetõttu on teadmistepüramiidi tipp rakenduste, tehnoloogilise arenduse ja püsiva majandusliku edu aluseks. Tänapäevane multimeedia, mobiilside, internet ning kogu arvutustehnika ja automaatika ei oleks üldse võimalikud ilma esiotsa täiesti arusaamatuks, puhtteoreetiliseks või elukaugeks peetud kvantmehaanikata. Ning kuigi ükski sajand ei korda eelnevat, püsivad arengureeglid endistena.

Another hypothesis suggests a bottom-up approach in which deep thunderstorm towers convection play the major role in spinning up the flow at the surface. These "hot towers" form in the area of the mid-level circulation and strongly concentrate this rotation at low levels within their updrafts. Merger of several of these hot towers then intensifies the surface circulation to the point in which a storm forms. Andrienko ravi Justov paper examines computer simulations of Tropical Storm Gertwhich formed in the Gulf of Mexico during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration s NASA Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes TCSP Experiment, to investigate the development of low-level circulation and, in particular, whether stratiform or hot tower processes were responsible for the storm s formation.

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Data from NASA satellites and from aircraft were used to show that the model did a good job of reproducing the formation and evolution of Gert. The simulation shows that a mix of both stratiform and convective rainfall occurred within Gert. While the stratiform rainfall clearly acted to increase rotation at middle levels, the diverging outflow beneath the stratiform rain worked against spinning up the low-level winds.

The hot towers appeared to dominate the low-level flow, producing intense rotation within their cores and often being associated with significant pressure falls at the surface.

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Over time, many of these hot towers merged, with each.